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#Current projects (GWFSS)

Global wheat full semantic segmentation

Deep learning methods for image processing are rapidly advancing and imaging techniques have become a standard for classification and quantification in agriculture. However, agricultural datasets assembled by domain experts are still comparably small. The global wheat consortium brings together this domain knowledge to assemble a large training set. We aim is to define a balanced dataset for training and validation containing the most relevant features observable for field-grown wheat. Image information will be enhanced by metadata, such as the developmental stage, genotype or agricultural treatment.

Contributed images fulfil the following conditions:

Red-green-blue (RGB) images
0° and 45°, viewing angles
Spatial resolution <= 0.5 mm / pixel
Patches of [512 x 512] pixels, up to [1024 x 1024].
At least 7 Classes: wheat spikes, stems, awns, leaves, soil ...

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CVAT Annotation Platform Website User Manual

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Delley Seeds and Plants Ltd
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Deutsche Saatveredelung AG
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ASUR plant breeding
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Plant Phenomics

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Organisers and Collaborators

firstName lastName OrganzationName roleInGW
Benoît De Solan Arvalis contributor
Lucas Bernigaud Samatan Arvalis Lead labelling
Francisco Pinto Espinosa CIMMYT contributor
Sebastien Dandrifosse CRA wallonie contributor
Andreas Hund ETHZ Project lead
Jonas Anderegg ETHZ contributor
Norbert Kirchgessner ETHZ contributor
Radek Zenkl ETHZ CVAT administrator, lead tagging
Alexis Comar HIPHEN contributor
Kamran Irfan HIPHEN contributor
Andrea Visioni ICARDA contributor
Raul Lopez-Lozano INRAe contributor
Etienne David INRAE alumni
Frederic Baret INRAE emeritus
Marie Weiss INRAE contributor
Marie-Pia D'argaignon INRAE contributor
Simon Madec INRAE alumni
Malcolm Hawkesford Rothamsted contributor
Nicolas Virlet Rothamsted contributor
Latifa Greche Rothamsted contributor
Benoît Mercatoris U. Liege contributor
Benjamin Dumont U. Liege contributor
Alexis Carlier U. Liege contributor
Scott Chapman U. Queensland contributor
Zhi Chen U. Queensland contributor
Ian Stavness U. Saskatchewan Competition management
Wei Guo U. Tokyo Website management
Haozhou Wang U. Tokyo Website management
Shouyang Liu NAU contributor
Kersin Neumann IPK contributor
Evgeny Gladilin IPK contributor
Ingo Mücke IPK contributor